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I had a nightmare…

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3 InesEstresada después de caminar una tarde por las calles internas del centro de San Andrés, entre ruidos infernales de cientos de motocicletas y automóviles; los semáforos dañados, la gente con afán-no sé de qué- pasando el uno al otro, difícil cruzar las avenidas; caras… peinados, maquillajes; olores… venta de pescado, fritos, humos negros...

Minutos a celulares, gritos agresivos de orilla a orilla y saludos no propios de la isla; música a todo timbal un día cualquiera (jueves, 5:00pm), charcos de agua en las calles y andenes. No era un día previo a navidad, ni año nuevo, ni otra fiesta cuando la gente sale a comprar regalos y vestidos a última hora.

Llego a casa realmente estresada, gracias a Dios tengo una familia que me espera y me transmite paz y esperanza; me acuesto y sueño (despierta) con un lugar limpio y tranquilo, donde si algún día Dios me premia, pueda yo tener nietos sanos y felices, con un lindo espacio para jugar y vivir.

Pensando en ese lugar… me duermo y soñando (no despierta) tuve una pesadilla. Viene en inglés porque yo siempre sueño en Creole:

I dreamed… that I was walking in town trying to reach home and the road was longer, and longer. There was a lot of people screaming in diferent languages from side to side, to each and other words that I never heard before. Congos and marimondas, Catalina’s indians, Batallas de flores y de Boyacá….

Was early in the morning, then come the evening and I couldnt reach home. Tired walk, I take money to pay some one to carry me; buses, motos, cars, trucks; vehicles with so much speed that a could not cross the road. No one to carry me home.

I keep on walking until night, and the noise of pickups with music was so hard that no one heard me when I talk. Strangers all around. I walk from town to south were was funny people on the beach drinking rum and having fun with loud music…I dint reach home.

Tired I sit on a fence were I could see from far my house. I recognize it true a green light in the porch. Away top of a hill, there was my home amongst the ‘Pueblito Isleño’ formed by few islanders that survive after the hurricane named ‘sistem with out control’, fell on our island. Around Pueblito Isleño was only misery, badness, and poverty.




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