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The last slaves

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INES.CELISThe idea they put in our minds that we proceed from black slaves so we must humble and be forever slave, is a stupid design that we must shake off and have clear that we are normal people without matter the color, religion or status we have.

Slave, are those that today still work in mines, houses, factories and big companies in exchange for a few cents. We have slaves of routine and systems. Slave’s of money. Slave’s of drugs. Slave’s of wickedness. And they are not all niggers... there are black, white, Asiatic, and Indian slaves...

They put into the minds of the islanders that we do not good for anything; our own relatives who probably received the same abuse... How many times we hear: "Get out of here you old dunce head". But it’s never too late to reconsider and make the bad things from the past, turn to be good today.

Is time fi all a wii raizals change wi chip ina wi head, and sit on the truth. Investigate who we are. We wi coming fram and we wi guain. Urgent

And if we analyze, how our ancestors used to live well, we realize that they always free.... They always ate what they planted and fished. They used to live with the windows open, which only entered the breeze. Today true our windows come in thieves, drug addicts, thugs, and all the curses that have befallen these islands.

Settlers watered the story that the Islanders are lazy. As we protest, now they say “they are too calm”... and yes, that is our origin. We come from African races dedicated to agriculture and livestock.  We had the blessing to be instructed by Christian principles. God made us with intelligence just like the richest or poorest, whitest or blackest men on earth.

I believe the principal way to free our mind from slavery should be to transform the poor educational system which we inherited from colonialism. We must create a program to eliminate the absurdity of our classrooms, focusing the minds of our children to their own island, their own wealth, soil and crops. They own solution to the problems that surround them.

In school we learned about the Batalla de Boyacá, but never about the ‘revolt in Battle Valley’. We read Shakespeare and Garcia Marquez, but never a Walwin Peterson or an Eastman Arango writings’ about our histories and livings.  We learn the myth of La Llorona, but we never hear about the 'Rolling Calf' or Nancy Stories. We played ‘Arroz con leche’, but never play ‘Brown girl in the ring’.

Education is the best arm a community could have to progress. And giving us a confused education is how the system has islanders today. We have to build our island in knowledge. We have to get together and raise our children to progress. San Andres, Old Providence and Santa Catalina, never had no slaves; the niggers that Europeans did bring from Africa around the Caribbean, and the couple that come to these islands did live better than you and me today.


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