La Corte Internacional de Justicia de la Haya (ICJ), que conduce la controversia territorial y marítima de Nicaragua con Colombia, expidió dos actas para conceder, o no, la solicitud de Costa Rica y Honduras para intervenir en el proceso. La ICJ celebrará audiencias públicas el 11 de octubre para Costa Rica y el 18 del mismo mes para Honduras.
A continuación el Comunicado de Prensa oficial publicado hoy enla página de la IJC:
Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia)
Proceedings on whether to grant Costa Rica’s application for permission to intervene
and Honduras’s application for permission to intervene
The Court to hold public hearings from 11 to 22 October 2010
THE HAGUE, 28 September 2010. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, will hold two separate sets of public hearings in October 2010 at the Peace Palace, the seat of the Court, the first on whether to grant Costa Rica’s application for permission to intervene and the second on whether to grant Honduras’s application for permission to intervene in the case concerning the Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia).
The hearings on the application of the Government of Costa Rica will open on Monday 11 October 2010.
The hearings on the application of the Government of Honduras will open on Monday 18 October 2010.
The detailed schedules for these separate hearings are as follows:
Oral proceedings on whether to grant Costa Rica’s application for permission to interveneMonday 11 October 2010 |
10 a.m.-12 noon: First round of oral argument (Costa Rica) |
Wednesday 13 October 2010 |
9.30 a.m.-1.30 p.m.: First round of oral argument (Nicaragua; Colombia) |
Thursday 14 October 2010 |
3 p.m.-4 p.m.: Second round of oral argument (Costa Rica) |
Friday 15 October 2010 |
3 p.m.-5 p.m.: Second round of oral argument (Nicaragua; Colombia) |